Isn't that a great quote,"for what saith the Scripture?" I love the King James English! I have always loved the crisp,preciseness of the language and the melodic way it speaks. I read that Scripture in another article today,and I apologize but I am not sure where,but I think the Townhall; and I looked it up to be sure and then wrote it down. I think it is a near perfect motto in a way, if Christians should have mottos.The Chalcedon Letter made the point that Christians should not have slogans or bracelets or things that are supposed to represent God. I think of all the Crosses with idols -a manmade image of Jesus, that is clearly a sin against God. What saith the Scriptures in this case: "I AM the Lord thy God...thou shalt have no other gods before Me.Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness that is in heaven above or that is the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them; for I the Lord thy God, AM a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me." Exodus 20:21,3-5. What does serving an idol [image or statue made by humans] mean? Does it mean bowing down and kissing it? Certainly. Does it mean wearing it around your neck and polishing and keeping up with it? Certainly. Does it mean placing flowers or candles at its feet? Certainly. Does it mean laboring to get money to purchase it? Certainly. Why are images of what humans presume that God looks like abundant in the US? Who has seen God? Who has found a description of Him anywhere in Scripture? Who can describe God? Can any human make God in that person's image? Don't be absurd! Can God be purchased? Can something made of stone, or wood,or metal,or glass or gold even, do ANYTHING for you? Does it hear? Does it have eyes to see when you need help? Does it act on your behalf? Does it care? Do not be deceived. Idolatry will send you to hell, because it is a rejection of God as He so clearly points out when He calls those who do such things, "God-haters".
Here is another thought that just came to me. Is the Abortion Holocaust the result of idolatry and the ones aborted the "visiting the iniquity of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of them that hate" God? If we broke the idols and burned down the altars to the false gods as in Old Testament days, would the Abortion Holocaust end?
Posted by gloria76653
at 10:43 AM MDT