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God's Love
Statemanship or lack of
Write for Life blog
Friday, 18 March 2005
Michael Schiavo trumps Congress
Today, that wicked man Michael Schiavo who has been petitioning the Court in Florida to kill his handicapped wife, trumped the Congress. He and the phony Judge* George Greer, refused to obey the subpoena issued by Congress to Terri for her to appear for evaluation. They proceeded to remove her feeding tube. However, they have failed to take God into account in this situation and the millions of people who are praying and watching this case. Will killing the benefactor by the beneficiary become law? Will evil prevail? Will that incompetent and equally wicked Congress just roll over and play dead now that they have been made a fool of? Will God do something? Or does HE think the US deserves a sorry-good-for-nothing and worst than useless, Congress? I am praying that GOD will do something and that it will be spectacular. Of course, HE has already created in the US the same kind of scenario that existed when the Jews were in bondage in Egypt thousands of years ago. God has created the modern day US version of Pharaoh,[George Greer] who refuses to honor God's words of "thou shalt not kill" and who has openly defied the prophets sent to warn him, and he has insisted that he himself is the only law and that there is no God. So now, will God drown the wicked in the sea? Will He use this case to utterly destroy the US Congress and all its wicked selfish "members" who serve their false gods instead of the ONE true God? What will God do? Stay tuned to my blogs or to [click on blue square, "Prolife activst"

* phony because he does not know that the 14th Amendment gives persons the right to life, and Terri is a person by all definitions. Greer must be an imposter.

Posted by gloria76653 at 8:41 PM MST

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