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Civil Liberties for the Innocents
Monday, 7 January 2008
Civil Liberties for the Innocents is the next big thing.

I am sure that as I have studied the history of the Civil War, and the events that led up to that, and witnessed the cyclorama painting in Stone Mountain GA of those events and the stolen locamotive of that time, stored up north of Atlanta,  that some generations are called upon to do more than merely exist. I think we in the year 2008 are in that category of knowing that a major and catastrophic change is coming to America one way or the other. It will be via the voting mechanism or a Civil War, I think; because the evil of abortion has to end.

It is medical fact that humans are begun at the moment of conception when the human sperm enters the human egg. The ignorant and the wicked try to pretend and 'say it ain't so', but it is so, and medical specialities are certain of that. The neonatalogist and the obstetric specialities know the truth about the human being in the womb of the mother. The schizophrenia of this nation, of prolifers v prodeathers will be resolved one way or the other. Abraham Lincoln quoted The Bible, the words of JESUS when he said, a 'house divided against itself shall not stand." [see Scripture at Matthew 12, 25-29 for the passage.]

I write for life at every opportunity because I believe the pen or the keyboard is mightier than the sword. But I believe there may come a time in the United States when another Civil War evolves if Congress and State Legislators are not willing to do the right thing and vote a prolife Amendment to the US Constitution giving the full protection of the US government to the preborn humans. I have written the arguments about why abortion violates the Amendments to the Constitution and you may read that here:

and visit also, for why I think Hillary and Bill Clinton should be tried for crimes against humanity, and hung.  The Foundational Scriptures for the prolife cause are easily accessible at: 

signed gloria poole, RN 


Posted by gloria76653 at 7:10 PM CST

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